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Spray and droplet combustion
Spray characteristics and flow topologies of high shear injector at high primary swirl, International Journal of Multiphase Flow (2020), Sonu Kumar, Sharath kumar Malavalli, Swetaprovo Chaudhuri, Saptarshi Basu
Self-tuning and topological transitions in a free-falling nanofuel droplet flame, Combustion and Flame (2020), Khushboo Pandey, Saptarshi Basu, Gautham Vadlamudi, Aditya Potnis, Kamanio Chattopadhyay
Dynamic self-tuning, flickering and shedding in buoyant droplet diffusion flames under acoustic excitation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2020), Khushboo Pandey, Saptarshi Basu, Balkrishan, Gautham Vadlamudi

On the influence of geometrical parameters on the spray characteristics of high shear injectors, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (2019), Kuppuraj Rajamanickam, Aditya Potnis, KR Sakthi Kumar, D Sivakumar, Saptarshi Basu

High Vapor Pressure Nanofuel droplet combustion and heat transfer: insights into droplet burning time scale, secondary atomisation and coupling of droplet deformations and heat release, Combustion and Flame (2019), Khushboo Pandey, Saptarshi Basu

How Boiling happens in nanofuel droplets, Physics of Fluids (Featured Article) 2018, Khushboo Pandey, Saptarshi Basu

Combustion dynamics of low vapour pressure nanofuel droplets, Physics of Fluids (2017), Khusboo Pandey, Kamanio Chattopadhyay, Saptarshi Basu

Insights into the dynamics of spray-swirl interactions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2017), Kuppuraj Rajamanickam, Saptarshi Basu

Suppression of instabilities in burning droplets using preferential acoustic perturbations, Combustion and Flame (2014), Ankur Miglani, Saptarshi Basu, Ranganathan Kumar

Insight into instabilities in burning droplets, Physics of Fluids (2014), Ankur Miglani, Saptarshi Basu, Ranganathan Kumar
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