Email Id - balkrishan@iisc.ac.in
Ph.D. Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
IISc Bengaluru
Research Interest: Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer Gas Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
B.Tech.: Mechanical Engineering, from, College of Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
M.Tech.: Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics, from, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology.
Research Summary (M.Tech.): I did my master's from IIST, Thiruvananthapuram with a specialization in Aerodynamics and flight mechanics. My M. Tech. Research focuses on “Numerical Simulations of Low Reynolds Number Flows in Supersonic Nozzles”, where we studied the effect of the Reynolds number and the geometry of the supersonic nozzle on the performance of the nozzle.
Current Research Area: Emulsified droplet evaporation, breakup and atomization
Research Summary: Droplet impact has been studied in various aspects in the past by many researchers. Droplet impingement phenomenon is an important and common process in nature and industry, such as liquid drop impact on turbine blades, oil drop impact on the internal wall of diesel engine combustion chamber, spray coating and cooling, plasma spraying, droplet impact on the outer surface of heat transfer tube in falling film evaporators, as well as liquid atomization and cleaning, a raindrop falling onto the ground and aircraft also involving drop impact. Also in agriculture, where placing a wire mesh can reduce the momentum of incoming spray from the nozzle thereby preventing the damage due to high speed, on the plant leaves and helps in uniform and efficient spread of pesticides. So, droplet impingement has a wide range of applications in various fields of engineering. Our study focuses on the secondary atomization and aerosolization of surrogate cough droplets ejected out while sneezing and coughing, while passing through a porous fabric surface, which is important to understand of dynamics of diseases spread like COVID-19, by exploring the fluid dynamics of infected droplet transmission.